Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Altered Clipboards

I am now Enrichment Coordinator or something like that at Church. We are going to be having a bunch of "mini groups" for all of the Sisters. To help coordinate that I made some cute clipboards that will hold the papers/signups pertaining to the group and they will and hang in the BB in the RS room. (if you are not Mormon, I must sound like I am speaking in code)

This is how I did it. I bought some clipboards for about a dollar at wally world.
I took some acrylic paint and painted the top part next to theclip so i didn't have to worry about cutting the paper around the clip. Then I had some leftover scrapbooking paper from an activity. I cut them into pieces. I think the big piece was 9 x 8.5. I got some modge podge and a foam brush.

I brushed on the modge podge under where the clip was and carefully laid the paper down. You need to rub the paper to keep bubbles from forming and if you feel one, try and rub it out. Then I attached the next piece of paper. I let them dry for a bit. then I took some sandpaper and sanded the edges- now here is the trick, you need to go down, or sideways, NOT UP, this will pull the paper up. This gives you a clean edge, especially if you got your paper a bit big- like I did.

Then go back and try add another layer of modge podge, make sure you get the edges. I let it dry a bit between coats then went back and added more pieces of paper for decoration.

Make sure you put a layer of modge podge over the paint. That way if you got any on it, it won't show.

I added a tag and some ribbons and WA-LA! Some cute clipboards.

Now I want to do one for each of the kids. They would also make great teacher gifts!

1 comment:

Lauren Wright Swinson said...

These are so cute! Awesome idea!